Monday, March 16, 2009

Happy 92nd!

Today my mom turned 92! She can remember what year she was born (1917) but doesn't know how old she is. Aaron asked her old she felt and she said 70. Here's some old pictures I dug up. The first one is her with a baby. It is most likely me, but it could be Rachel and the pictures has no notation or year on it. It doesn't matter, my mom spent many years in church (where this was taken) with a baby on her lap. She looks happy and I think she loved having a baby in her lap. With 6 kids, 20 grandchildren, 21 great grandchildren and 3 great, great grandchildren she has held many in those arms.

Here's one with the three younger kids and her at the beach. She loved the beach, it was her favorite place to go. Her favorite spot was Beverly Beach on the Oregon coast. She has a big smile on her face, which is how I picture her; she knew how to have fun. She can still make me laugh with her comments and insights.

Here's a couple more from when I was in high school. I have many great memories of my mom. She was an extremely hard worker, endlessly patient, loving, and helpful. She taught me to make pies, bread, cookies, sunday dinners, and meals for a crowd. She was a performer too, willing to perform "Spittin'" in her eighties and ready to entertain any crowd. She took care of all her kids and her mother and mother-in-law and fixed thousands of meals and washed thousands of loads of laundry and rarely complained about any of it. She was the first person I know to have a personal computer and was always ready for a new one. She always said her favorite things to do were eat and talk! Most people think a lot of their mom, but I can tell you I have had the privilege of being raised by the best. Happy Birthday, Mom.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Happy Birthday, Elizabeth!!

Today our baby girl is 24! Since she's in Korea, she is 25 there, as they count the years a bit differently. We miss her very much but we are so proud of her. She is truly the bravest person I know. Here she is as a joyful baby. My wish for her is to feel this kind of joy today!

Saturday, March 7, 2009

We're not losing a son, we're gaining a country!

Aaron and Kim announced their engagement this week!! They'll be married in Australia sometime this summer or fall. We only met Kim a week ago but we're delighted to welcome her to the family. Here's a photo of them with their computers and the new ring. They were busy updating their "status" on facebook! Only one of many important tasks to tackle now.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Blazing News

It started when we noticed some flames in the area behind our house. Here's what we could see from our yard:
A call to 911 let me know they had engines on the way. It was a storage shed filled with carpet pieces.
Soon it looked like this:
Thanks to Aaron's friend A/C for the snap!

They got the fire out and our arbor vitae was saved. It was good for some excitement, however.

Stay tuned for an even more exciting post soon, I promise.