Today I was in Portland, picking up some very special chocolates for a very special wedding that is coming up VERY SOON! As I drove across the St. Johns Bridge for the FOURTH time, having a bit of difficulty locating the very special chocolate's place, I was struck by the beauty of the bridge and then began to think of all the things I am particularly enjoying right now. Near the top of my list would be fresh Oregon PEACHES. August means peaches and they are ready now. I love them any way but they are doubly good with some cool vanilla yogurt. Yum!
Next is my farm share! This comes every week from an organic farm in Corvallis. My friend Kim is gracious enough to bring my box to Dallas. Here's what it looked like tonight - fresh purple potatoes, carrots, onion, red pepper, strawberries, plums, broccoli, cherry tomatoes, and Romaine lettuce. It's different every week and comes with a newsletter with recipes. I can't wait for Tuesdays to see what we get!
And last but not least, my family! I have the greatest family all the way around - terrific kids of my own, fabulous in-laws, and super extended family, but what I am thinking of tonight specifically is my siblings. Here's a picture of us last year at the
place we just got back from staying at, and it was so nice to all be together again. I love that all six of us get along, enjoy each other and are willing to get together at least twice a year. I love that we communicate with each other, and support each other. We all have very different gifts and opinions but we share the same heritage (and nose!). Together, we have 20 kids and they are equally terrific.
A-n-d I love you all!
Beautifully written post Susan.
Yes, cheers, cheers!!
Love you, too!
and I'm soooo proud of YOU for subscribing to a CSA!
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