Sunday, July 25, 2010

And More BVI

Tonight I am sitting on the bow of the boat under a full moon and with a breeze to cool me, uploading pictures. I am quite a ways from land but the wonders of technology assist me. It's been another nice day in the Virgin Islands. We left Virgin Gorda and sailed over to Marina Cay. It's a cute little island with a small resort, restaurant and gift shop. We took the dinghy to a nearby reef to snorkle and had fun swimming around. Then back to the boat and over to the Cay for a drink before dinner. Dinner back on the boat and time to relax. Here's some pictures from today:

And one more thing. On Marina Cay on the dock they have this red phone booth that has a a webcam that takes pictures every 15 seconds. If you go here: and search for today at 1:50 pm you can see us!

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