Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Tuesday July 10

We left Butchart Cove after breakfast and explored a little further up Tod Inlet. We saw thousands of moon jellyfish in the water--so amazing! We motored north along the Saanich Pennisula and then south through Shute Passage, Prevost Passage and into Haro Strait. We put up the sails and had good wind around 20 knots and sailed for quite awhile. We got to see some orca whales and watched the whale-watching boats zipping around. We sailed into Roche Harbor, cleared customs, and set anchor. After dinner we took the dingy to shore for much needed showers, groceries, and ice cream. We watched the retiring of the colors ceremony before heading back to the boat.

1 comment:

Jeanette said...

Now your "K's" could be - Kanada, Kelp and Ketches. (-: