Monday, September 22, 2008

Important Stuff

I have always been a huge Anna Quindlen fan. Her essays on parenting are the few essays I have ever kept. I heard her speak once and felt like she was saying all the things I wish I could, and saying them much more eloquently. I read her essays in Newsweek and some are good and some aren't. I've read all her fiction books and some are good and some aren't. The essay in Newsweek this week really struck me. It's about the presidential election and here's a link to the full text if you have the time and desire to read it- It's called "This is Important" :
Here's the last couple of sentences and the heart of the issue:
Here is the only thing about anyone's kids that matters now: every time you vote you make your kids a promise. It's a promise that you will look past cheap slogans and lazy alliances to try to find a way to make America worthy of a new generation. And if we keep that promise in November, we not only keep faith with our children, we keep faith with the country.

Friday, September 19, 2008

Hooray for Haircuts

After about 5 years of hair in the eyes and whining by mom, Nate decided on his own to get his hair cut this week. I think it looks great and he's getting used to it. He's loving being a big senior and just got a job lifeguarding at the aquatic center. Life is good. He gave me permission to put his picture up here and in fact insisted on many posed shots. So here's couple for you. And here's the even better news - his hats don't fit anymore!

Monday, September 15, 2008

Flying away

Since we've moved on from "front door" pictures for the first day of school, I think I'll do pictures of my kids at the airport as they fly away to one destination after another. Today Elizabeth departed for Korea again. It was great to have her here and share some "girl time", but I know she is very excited to begin her new job. She's looking forward to new challenges and more travel and perhaps a ride on a yak in Mongolia! Happy trails, Elizabeth!

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Last First Day

Today was a momentous day at our house - we took our last "first day of school" picture. Here's youngest son's first day of kindergarten and first day of senior year of high school.
I've always enjoyed the start of the school year. My mom verified that this week when she told me I always loved the first day of school.
To me it is more like New Years Day - a new beginning and much to look forward to.
I even loved it when my kids went off to school the first day- new challenges for them and back on a schedule for all of us. Every September we take a picture in front of our front door.
We have an amazing collection of these shots that measure size by the door frame and fashion by the outfits. I might feel a twinge of sadness today, not for Nate to be off to school but an end to an era and an end to the fight with mom over "why do we always have to take a picture?"

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Raspberry Season Continues

The second crop of raspberries is beginning at our house. Let me know if you'd like some!