Wednesday, December 23, 2009


The keel is the foundation of a boat. For a sailboat, it's what provides stability and counteracts the force of the wind. It also provides ballast, for more stability. There are different kinds of keels, from full keels, that extend all along the bottom of the boat, to fin keels, to wing or bulb keels. They all have different purposes. This summer we sailed a boat with a wing keel and that meant we could sail in shallower water than a boat with a deeper fin keel. I am thinking tonight about keels and what they do for boats and how important they are. We sometimes talk about people being "even keeled", that is being balanced and centered. When you realized where that phrase comes from, it makes sense. The keel is the structural center of the boat, the spine, and the major source of strength. When people have a good source of strength and good foundations, it is easier to live a balanced and centered life. When the central foundation is missing or broken, it is easy to get off track. How important it is then, to provide our children with a good solid foundation that can help provide stability their whole life.

Another related term is keelhauled. This is what sailors would use for punishment "back in the day". They would tie a sailor to a rope that went under the boat and then throw them overboard and then pull them up on the other side. They would likely get scraped up on the keel and all the barnacles, etc. that were on the keel. If the boat had a deep keel and they pulled the rope slowly, they might drown before coming up to the other side. Pretty harsh punishment and one that was eventually abolished. When someone is not even keeled, or lacking that good foundation, it is tempting to want to have them keelhauled!

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