Thursday, December 3, 2009


How random is that? I love good socks. I often decide what to wear based on what socks I want to wear. My favorites are soft and thick and cushy. Smartwool is my favorite brand by far, but they are quite expensive. Today I am wearing a pair that Nate got me for Christmas (or possibly my birthday?)last year. They are grey smartwool and long enough to go to my knees, with yellow and green stripes at the top. They are my favorite pair of socks! I actually love socks that go above my calves, but they are hard to find. Today it is really cold and good socks are a great comfort on cold days. Hope you have great socks to keep you warm!

1 comment:

Aaron said...

I was just talking with some people at my work yesterday about how what socks you are wearing makes a MUCH bigger difference than what shoes you are wearing, and they all looked at me like they had no idea what I meant.
Maybe they have never worn smartwool before?