Thursday, December 31, 2009


Kudos to you for reading all my K blogs, or some of them. Kudos to me for making it through the month. I've had enough K words and blogging for awhile so it's time for a break. I'm glad I managed to stick with it, though. I realize how hard it must be for those who have to write every day, especially for a job or other commitment. Although I suppose it does get easier once you get used to it. It's not hard to write, but it is hard to write something worthwhile. Happy New Year to everyone. I'll be out of touch with cyberspace while I go celebrate 2010 with my extended family. Who knows what 2010 will bring to this space?


No Particular Place to Go said...

Oh, I don't know...L words? Ends with K? Kudos to you.

The Rambler said...

Kudos to you indeed!!